“Beguiling...a variety show that actually has variety.” —Time Out New York
Circus music composer, performer and impresario Sxip Shirey (Luminescent Orchestrii, Amanda Palmer/Evelyn Evelyn) hosts an unpredictable variety show featuring some of New York City’s most intriguing performing artists, including Butoh-inspired contortionist Jonathan Nosan, the raunchy, funny and heartfelt comedy and storytelling of Greg Walloch, Butt Kapinski and Snaps performing A Clown Noir, new choreographed sword traditions by Samurai Sword Soul, the rapturous singer-songwriter Dayna Kurtz, and other surprises. SXIP'S HOUR OF CHARM
Target Free Thursdays at Lincoln Center's David Rubenstein Atrium - 61 West 62nd Street, New York. Thursday January 6th at 8:30PM, FREE!